Averaging Inaccurate Data
Doesn't Make It More Accurate




We'll provide you with a signed confidentiality agreement.



You’ll need to complete a short, simple to use, “Dental Practice Valuation Questionnaire”.

  • A copy of the practice’s last three year’s of tax returns.

  • A copy of the practice’s last three years of in-house balance sheet(s).


15-Day Turnaround!

Within 15 business days of receipt of all requested items, we will return to you your personalized "TASCON Valuation" or “TASCON Valuation Bundle”.

When you receive your valuation or valuation bundle, use it for exit planning, annual financial bank updates, credit line and other practice financing requests, personal financial planning, and more!

Helping Facilitate the Sale

Our dental practice valuations are designed to provide the practice owner and potential buyer with information that will help facilitate a sale: an estimate of the owner's pretax proceeds from a sale, an estimate of the buyer's pretax annual income both during the retirement of the debt service from the purchase and after the debt service is retired. A stock/equity value, that is different from a practice’s fair market value, is also provided to determine partnership values. These important features are just not available from other dental practice valuation providers and save both buyers and sellers the professional fees to get them.



Return on Investment

A dental practice buyer wants to know that he/she will be paid appropriately and receive a return on investment. Since the owner/seller may be holding part of the debt, it is critical that debt be considered as part of the valuation process. These criteria are the key issues determined in future due-diligence reviews by the buyer and seller. Having this information up-front as part of the valuation process saves professional fees, time and deals.

"In truth I have found nothing like it in the industry and attribute my 100% success rate in my exit planning practice over the last 11 years to a large degree on the efficiency and effectiveness of The TASCON® Business Analyst platform!"



How can I be paid appropriately and receive a return on investment?

Since the seller will probably be holding part of the debt, it is critical that debt be considered as part of the valuation process. These criteria are the key issues determined in future due-diligence reviews by the seller and the buyer. Having this information up-front as part of the valuation saves professional fees, time and deals.

What makes the TASCON Group different than others?

Some believe that it is impossible to get an accurate valuation of your practice, but this is just not true. There are many valuation methodologies and all are thought to be, when used alone, inaccurate; therefore many evaluators average the results. Averaging inaccurate data doesn't make it more accurate nor does it make sure that the value makes any business sense.

We perform our valuations to the following standard:
1) A practice is worth that price at which it must be able to pay the debt, at market conditions, structured from the sale.
2) It must also pay the owner a fair market salary.
3) It must pay the owner a return on investment.

Our founder, Ted See developed a proprietary business valuation software platform entitled: “The TASCON® Business Analyst”, and with it we have found that at any "snap shot" in time, there is only one value that can simultaneously meet these three criteria. Therefore it is mathematically quantifiable to any buyer, seller or stakeholder.

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