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Dental Practice Valuation

A Fair Market Valuation report (FMV), in PDF format for easy distribution to buyers, facilitators and other stakeholders. It is designed for buyers/sellers who want to quantify the fair market value asking price of the dental practice to minimize the chance that negotiations will begin by discounting the price due the fact that the asking price couldn’t be justified.

The following included features all facilitate the due-diligence process for a faster sale:

  • A Stock/Equity Valuation (SEV) to determine partnership percentage value interests

  • The seller’s estimated pre-tax proceeds from a sale at the represented fair market value.

  • The buyer's estimated annual income both during the retirement of the debt service from a sale and after the retirement of the debt service.

Download Sample Report Here

Option 1 : Single Year Analysis (Most Current Year):

Select this option if:

  • The practice has been active for at least 3 years.

  • The sales, expenses and net profits have been consistent and stable with little fluctuation and/or consistent and predictable in growth for the last three years.

$2,900 | Download Questionnaire

Purchase Single Year Analysis (Most Current Year)

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Option 2 : Multi-Year Analysis (Three Year):

Select this option if:

  • The practice has been active for no less than 3 years.

  • The sales, expenses and net profits have NOT been consistent and stable with little fluctuation or NOT consistent and predictable in growth for the last three years.

  • If the practice was temporarily closed for one week or more in the past fiscal year due to Covid-19.

$3,900 | Download Questionnaire

Purchase Multi-Year Analysis (Three Year)

Still Not Sure? Free Consultation

Dental Practice Valuation Bundle

(A second valuation for only $1,000 more!)

Included: Either the Single Year Analysis or Multi-Year Analysis Fair Market Valuation (FMV) Report Above.

Note: The Purchase Model Valuation (PMV) Report will be provided in the same single year or multi-year analysis format as is ordered for the Fair Market Valuation (FMV) Report above.


A Purchase Model Valuation report (PMV), in the single year-analysis version, and in PDF format for easy distribution to buyers, facilitators and other stakeholders. The PMV is designed for sellers who, for medical, age, financial or other reasons, want a faster sale, and are willing to discount their selling price somewhat.

  • If negotiations get “dicey”, to entice the buyer to purchase more quickly, the PVM increases the buyer’s annual income by the amount needed to lower the FMV selling price by approximately 10%.

  • The buyer can then see how to get both, a higher salary and a lower price and the seller gets a faster sale, and it is quantifiable!.

Like the FMV above, It estimates the sellers pretax proceeds, the buyer’s estimated annual income, and the partnership percentage value interests at the PMV that:

  • Gives the selling owner(s) the information they need about pretax proceeds to consider a purchase price lower than the FMV.

  • Gives the buyer the information they need about their expected annual income, both before and after the retirement of debt service.

  • Speeds up the due-diligence process since it is included in the valuation report, and therefore the sales process.

Download Sample Report Here

Option 3 : PMV Single Year Analysis Bundle:

Select this option if:

  • The practice has been active for at least 3 years.

  • The sales, expenses and net profits have been consistent and stable with little fluctuation and/or consistent and predictable in growth for the last three years.

$3,900 | Download Questionnaire

Purchase PMV Single Year Analysis Bundle

Still Not Sure? Free Consultation

Option 4 : PMV Multi-year Analysis Bundle:

Select this option if:

  • The practice has been active for no less than 3 years.

  • The sales, expenses and net profits have NOT been consistent and stable with little fluctuation or NOT consistent and predictable in growth for the last three years.

  • If the practice was temporarily closed for one week or more in the past fiscal year due to Covid-19.

$4,900 | Download Questionnaire

Purchase PMV Multi-Year Analysis Bundle

Still Not Sure? Free Consultation

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